Wednesday, November 27, 2019

When The Legends Die Essays - English-language Films,

When The Legends Die When The Legends Die Novel/Movie Contrast Joe McNew June 8, 2000 The book, When the Legends Die, was pretty good. Then some idiot had to go and make a movie out of it. In contrasting the two, I found alot more differences than similarities. The first similarity came when Blue Elk came and took Thomas Black Bull to the reservation. Tom had trouble with the kids as in the book. Brother Bear was chained up and eventually Tom took him back to the woods and left him just as Tom did in part I of the book. Of course, Red Dillion was a jerk in both the movie and the book, although the book illustrated a better image in the readers mind. There were quite a few things the two had in common but the differences outnumber the similarities. I am not going to attempt to represent every difference but I wil give a few examples. For instance, we first see Tom, or any characters for that matter, after George and his mom dies. The movie represents Tom as older, during his rodeo days. In the book, during Red and Toms 2 fight, he only knocks him down but in the movie he beats him up really bad. He goes home with the nurse but in the book he does nothing of that sort. So far he hasnt gone for the bear yet but were not finished yet. The book had alot going for it and I thought that it was much better than the movie. The movie was a horrible experience and is probably the only time I wished my teacher wouldnt have shown it. Usually, I like the movie better than the book but this was the exception. Whoever made this movie should be charged with murder (of the book). The movie missed alot of the key points. The movie was interesting and did illustrate some things better than the book. It did an excellent job of show Toms transitiion from rags to riches. In addition, the movie moved alittle faster which made it more exciting. I believe that it did a better job when Tom actually ditched Red and got into the big tournament. Both had their strong points. The book was better...way better. This is a good example of why a movie shouldnt be made from a book or at least a person may want to consider skipping the movie if they really liked the book. Although, the movie was better in some areas overall I would definitely recommend the book over the movie. In conclusion, movie = F book = A.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Folklore The Fallen Angel Cake

Folklore The Fallen Angel Cake The Fallen angel cake is an urban legend, which was published in a Sydney newspaper during the year 1980. In the year 1982, the story was published in a Canadian newspaper. The legend described a woman who baked a cake, which was to be sold in her local church.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Folklore: â€Å"The Fallen Angel Cake† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During the baking process, the cake accidentally broke into two pieces. With limited time to bake the second cake, the woman moulded a roll of tissue paper, which she used to stick together the broken cake. Afterwards, she rushed to her local church to sell the cake. With the aim of selling and buying back the cake, the woman gave her daughter money, and instructed her to buy back the cake. Unfortunately, the cake was sold to another buyer in the absence of her daughter. The following day, at a club, the woman identified the buyer of her cake preparin g to serve it. Before the woman could notify the buyer about the blemish in the cake, the buyer acknowledged before a crowd that she had baked the beautiful cake. As a result, the woman withheld her notification. One of the themes portrayed in the legend is about making swift choices. Throughout the legend, the woman was forced by the situations to make swift decisions. For instance, the woman made a dramatic choice, when she realized that her cake had been broken in the oven, by joining the broken cake using tissue paper moulds. Similarly, when the woman hurried to the church and instructed her daughter to buy back the cake, she illustrated the theme of making swift choices. In addition, this theme was emphasised through the woman’s willingness to inform the host on the cake’s faults before it was served. Another theme embodied in the legend is the theme of pride. Out of her pride, the buyer lied before a crowd that she had prepared the beautiful cake. As a result, he r pride prevented the woman from informing her about the faults in the cake. As such, the legend tackled some of the key issues addressed in class such as themes embodied in the legends, and their roles in enforcing social norms. Through this legend, the students should be able to identify the main themes in the book, and in turn learn from them.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Like the other legends, the fallen angel cake legend is considered fictional. Though the original society of this legend can be traced, its creator cannot be identified. Likewise, the other legends illustrated in the book have no clear authors and creators. Similar to other legends illustrated in the book, the legend is interesting and easy to narrate. For instance, each of these legends is less than 600 words long. This implies that these urban legends are not only easy to read and compre hend, but also interesting to their readers. In the same way as other legends, the legend contains humour and sarcasms enhancing its readability among its readers. Equally, these legends were meant to educate their readers on various social issues and in turn reinforce social reforms. However, unlike most other legends contained in the book, the fallen angel cake legend’s plot based its foundation on a true story. The publishers of this legend have asserted that the legend was very popular among its creator’s society.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Toys R Us Management Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toys R Us Management Audit - Essay Example Toys "R" Us show cases some of the best toys across the world; so much so, that the Times Square store is a major tourist attraction for all visitors. The following paper presents a management audit of the chain store. The company is owned by a group of investors. There is a managing committee set up by the group which looks into the operations of the company. The company has interests in four major brands, viz., Toys "R" Us, Babies "R" Us, and Toys "R" Us International. Each one of them is headed by a President. Within the operations of every unit, there is a Executive Vice President heading the operation of every department. The structure below indicates the overall responsibilities in the company. There are also geographical heads for important regions in the organization, typically, North America. However, there are also heads for HR, product development, Sourcing, Finance and so on. This mixed structure helps the company in focusing on its major activity in any region or place. The same is also valid for splitting the businesses vertically in terms of baby products and toys. Isolation is also done on business plan basis. The internet business has been spun off into a separate enti ty, Toys "R" Us is one of the leading toy stores. But for its baby products, it faces tough competition from the other major stores, viz., Wal-Mart, Target and others. But with the war intensifying, there is always a talk that Toys R Us might consider getting out of the toys business too. But then, with a wide network of retail stores across the United States and the major part of the world, Toys R Us is competitively positioned. However, they had to withdraw from more than one hundred stores in the year 2004. As of date, the strategic locations that are profitable to the chain stores are operated. The rest are either closed or let out for other retailers. And when it is the holiday season, they certainly cash in on it by ensuring there is something different in the store. This year it is the Big Toy book! Decision Making, Learning and Innovation Decision making in the company has been swift in coming through. Whether it is to close the stores in 2004 or open new ones this season in South Korea and Japan, the decisions have been made with clear knowledge of the market place and the future growth in mind. There has also been lessons learnt that is spread across to the decision making levels. The company itself is a learning organization and ensures that information about various products percolates down to the operating staff. Every one of the staff in the company can help a customer if there is need to in any of the toys being sold in the store. The importance for innovation in the products could be seen in a separate division that exists for the purpose. Planning & Strategy For planning and strategy, a SWOT analysis is done and the details are given in the table below: Strengths: The company is a major special retailer for toys and baby products. Knowledge of the business, strong retail chain of over 500 stores in the US and over 600 abroad ensure that the company could offer some of the best products. It also has a large asset base exceeding $2.9 bn. Weaknesses: Competition could eat into the profits of the company by underselling them. Typically, large departmental stores like Wal-mart and Target could do that. Inability to